Our Mission
To promote the wise use and care of natural resources for the benefit of the citizens of Lexington County
Hey everybody, we have a few events coming up that you'll definitely want to put on your calendar.
April 5th - "It's All About Herbs" 13th Annual Herb Festival, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm @ Lexington County Museum
The Herb Bunch will be having free classes on learning about herbs, and we're setting up a table to hand out seeds and share conservation information.
April 26th - Earth Day Festival, 10am-2pm @ McGregor Learning Garden
We're bringing out the enviroscape, our model beehive, and our animal tracks from DNR
May 8th - Fast Fashion, 4pm-5:30pm @ Swansea Library
Learn how fast fashion has influenced the economy and the environment. You are encouraged to bring a few items that can be repurposed or refashioned. We do not have access to sewing machines so items will be pinned together with safety pins and you can sew it when you get home.
May 17th - Market at Icehouse Amphitheater, 9am-1pm
Another table to hand out seeds, and showcase our fall programs.
May 31st - Ag+Art Tour, 9am-5pm
The South Carolina Ag + Art Tour is a free, self-guided tour of farms and markets that feature local artisans at every stop. Our Tour sites this year are Fire Barrel Farms, Locklair Farms, Hollow Creek Distillery, Seven Oaks Plant Shop, Lexington County Museum, Loveland Coffee, Brazell's Barn, Meador Acres Chestnuts, and Hazelwood Brewing Company
2024 Year End Review
Another year has come and gone and we wanted to give everyone a chance to see what we've been up to during the past year. Much of what we do could not be accomplished without the support of our affiliates and members of the community.
We truly appreciate all of you.
With your help we have been able to conduct in-school programs after school programs, establish a seed library, attend state ​conferences, and foster new partnerships.​​